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Types of Domestic Violence Restraining Orders

Learn the difference between the different types of restraining orders you can get and how long they usually last.

There are different types of restraining orders. For domestic violence cases, there are Emergency Protective Orders, Temporary Restraining Orders, "Permanent" Restraining Orders, and Criminal Protective Orders.

  • Emergency Protective Order: A police officer who answers a domestic violence call can ask a judge to issue an EPO 24 hours a day. The EPO can last up to 7 days.
  • Temporary Restraining Order: When you ask the court for a DVRO, the judge can immediately give you a TRO (usually lasting 20-25 days) while you are waiting for your hearing date.
  • "Permanent" Restraining Order: When you attend your TRO hearing, the judge can issue a "permanent" restraining order, which can last up to 5 years.
  • Criminal Protective Order: The district attorney can file criminal charges against the abuser and ask for a CPO lasting up to 10 years after the case is over.

If you don't qualify for a domestic violence restraining order, you may be eligible for a Civil Harassment Restraining Order, a Workplace Violence Restraining Order, an Elder Abuse Restraining Order, or a Tribal Court Restraining Order.See our infographic on the different restraining orders here.

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