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"Law for Everyone" Challenge

"Law for Everyone" Challenge

Legal tech applications are needed more than ever right now. You may have an idea of your own, or you can draw inspiration from the ideas below. We'll give you a Documate account to build your own client-facing legal applications without using any code. (Think: your own LegalZoom or TurboTax for law.)

By the team at Gavel
October 16, 2024
Cut drafting time by 90%

Easy intake and document automation to auto-populate your templates.

legal tech bucerius passport to practice

Are you a law student with a legal tech idea that involves document automation or decision automation? Grab your free Gavel account and submit an entry for the Law for Everyone challenge.

Legal tech innovations are needed more than ever right now.  Choose your own idea, or draw inspiration from the topics below.  We'll give you a Documate account to build your own client-facing legal applications without using any code. (Think: your own LegalZoom or TurboTax for law.) The winning team will receive $1000 and a free Documate Enterprise account. Read below for eligibility & deadlines.

Eligibility Requirements

Participants must be enrolled in the Bucerius Legal Tech Essentials 2020 program or the Passport to Practice program and must submit their materials by the deadlines below to be eligible.  

Teams must be between 3-4 members and must build legal tech applications on Documate to solve a legal problem.  Any legal issue - corporate, consumer, government, and non-profit ideas - is eligible for entry.

Evaluation Criteria

Teams will be evaluated based on the following criteria:

  • A demonstrated understanding of the gap in the legal market, including understanding existing solutions and tools. Students should learn from and improve upon what other have done, but do more than simply recreate a tool that addresses the same problem for the same users;
  • A demonstrated understanding of the legal problem and need;
  • Effectiveness, usability, scalability, sustainability, and creativity.  


On or before July 20, 2020 (11:59pm CST):  Submit your project ideas using the form at the bottom of this page or at [email protected] (subject line: "Automate Law Challenge 2020").  Please include:

  1. Names and emails of all team members;
  2. Topic idea (this can change as you build).

Participants will receive a free Documate account upon submission & will be listed on the participants page.

July 20-July 31: Build your applications, solicit feedback from other teams, and publicize your projects.

July 31-August 7 (11:59pm CST): Post a video (3-5 minutes) of your project to YouTube with the title "Documate Automate the Law Challenge: [YOUR TEAM NAME]."  In the comments, add a link to your live automation application.

Send a link to your video to [email protected] by August 7th.

August 14, 2020 (1pm CT): Winners will be announced based on a 50/50 weighted scale of:

  1. "Likes & Comments" on the YouTube video, a Twitter post, and a LinkedIn post; and
  2. The votes of a panel of judges based on the eligibility criteria, including Professor Dan Linna, Amy Halverson (Wilson Sonsini), and Kathryn DeBord (Bryan Cave).

Project Ideas

  • Domestic Violence: Shelter at home rules have placed domestic violence victims at higher risk.  Automate the documents for survivors to obtain relief in your jurisdiction.
  • Eviction Defense: Prepare automated platforms for tenants to ask for rent forbearance.
  • Expungements: Help provide a remedy to those suffering from the collateral consequences of past convictions by building an expungement tool for your community.
  • Estate Planning: Assets that go through probate face legal fees and additional taxes.  Build a workflow to guide users to build a power of attorney or simple will.
  • Abuse of Police Powers: In addition to peaceful protests, the legal system can help empower those who have been improperly treated, unlawfully detained, or faced excessive force. Build an application to file a complaint for damages or make it easier for citizens to make local reports.
  • COVID Complaints: As soon as the courts come back, so will new claims for COVID-related relief. Make this easy by crafting complaints/responses for the common claims.
  • Employment Law: Businesses are struggling to keep up with new rules, remote work and leave policies. Build a robust policy generator.


Submit Your Project Before July 20, 2020

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