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Case Study

Rogue Family Law Scales Practice and Affordable Legal Services With Gavel

Case Study

Rogue Family Law Scales Practice and Affordable Legal Services With Gavel

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"An award-winning family lawyer transformed her practice from litigation-focused to family-friendly and customer-centric. Her key to success? One breakthrough tool…"

Gavel empowers Rogue Family Law to scale their practice while dramatically reducing client costs. By streamlining operations, Rogue saves clients thousands in legal fees. This allows clients to reinvest in valuable services like consultations and coaching, ultimately receiving more comprehensive legal support.

  • The team works more efficiently, allowing them to focus on creative aspects of law.
  • Samantha enjoys flexibility in her work and can dedicate more time to meaningful client advising.
  • Clients gain a bigger role in and greater control over their cases.

Before Gavel: The Problem with Traditional Legal Services

While practicing at her traditional family law firm, Samantha recognized a critical issue in the legal landscape. In southern Oregon, a staggering 90% of family law cases had at least one party without legal representation. Traditional legal services were failing both clients and attorneys:

  • Families couldn't afford or were reluctant to pay for lengthy, high-conflict litigation.
  • Attorneys face unsustainable workloads and shrinking profit margins as consumers abandon attorney document preparation.

Samantha’s wheels began to turn. She went to law school to make a difference in the communities around her, but providing unaffordable services wasn’t accomplishing that.

Rogue Family Law Built a Powerful Solution with Gavel

Driven by her desire to make a difference, Samantha transitioned away from her traditional practice in 2020 to start Rogue Family Law, a remote law firm dedicated to self-representative and collaborative clients. 

Samantha credits Gavel for helping make this possible. 

"Gavel was the breakthrough tool that made our transformation possible," Samantha explained. "Their automation tools and client-facing features allowed us to reimagine legal services." 

Building a tech-enabled, client-centric practice was uncharted territory, and Gavel provided the foundation for Samantha to offer unbundled legal services emphasizing self-service tools, education, and legal coaching.

Gavel’s software was crucial in several ways:

  • Comprehensive automation tools created behind-the-scenes efficiencies for lawyers and staff.
  • Client-facing portals and guided interviews meant clients could create their own documents.
  • World-class customer support from the Gavel Customer Success team facilitated smooth operations across time zones.

Samantha noted, “The team is accessible, knowledgeable, flexible, and fast, which is especially helpful, as Rogue Family Law works across time zones."

Additionally, Gavel also powers Rogue Family Law’s direct representation of children in guardian ad litem cases, emancipation cases, and delinquency defense. Not only does this save Samantha time, but she is assured that she has captured everything she needs by using internal workflows.

Samantha shared, “I open a file and immediately am able to create: client correspondence, discovery requests, motions, trial proof charts, checklists tailored to the type of case it is, and chronologies.”

Partnering with Gavel Has Meant Better Results and More Revenue 

Gavel has allowed Samantha and Rogue Family Law to create an entire market for self-represented litigants without compromising on quality.

Rogue Family Law’s results since partnering with Gavel include:

  • The team works more efficiently, allowing them to focus on creative aspects of law.
  • Samantha enjoys flexibility in her work and can dedicate more time to meaningful client advising.
  • Clients save $1000s in legal fees and can redirect a portion of those funds to get the help they need through consultations and coaching.
  • Clients gain a bigger role in and greater control over their cases.

Thanks to Gavel, Samantha's vision of accessible, affordable legal services became a reality, proving that innovation in legal practice can benefit both clients and attorneys alike.

Samantha especially enjoys how Gavel gives her flexibility in the way she works and with whom she works. 

Most importantly, Gavel empowers Samantha to focus on her core strength: providing personalized, insightful guidance to clients. 

Start your 7-day free trial of Gavel Pro today. No credit card required. Check out Gavel's ready-made automated California divorce forms here.

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