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Case Study

Streeter Law Firm Creates Full Estate Plans in 30 Minutes with Gavel

Case Study

Streeter Law Firm Creates Full Estate Plans in 30 Minutes with Gavel

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“We were able to do an entire estate plan, from the engagement letter through the drafting of the will and ancillary documents, in 30 minutes.”

Jessica Streeter is the managing attorney and partner at Streeter Law Firm, a law firm in Southern New Mexico that serves clients across a number of practice areas, including estate planning, family law, criminal law, and business law. After recently reopening her practice, Jessica sought ways to enhance efficiency and client satisfaction in her firm. She onboarded Gavel into her firm for just this purpose and now sings the highest praises of Gavel:

“It is such a time saver and so easy to use!”

Why Gavel?

After reopening her firm, Jessica implemented WealthCounsel into her practice. WealthCounsel not only showed her the benefits of document automation technology but also helped her realize the need for a tool that was specifically tailored to her firm’s practice areas. Jessica began exploring different options. Alongside Gavel, she considered 2-3 other document automation solutions, but after watching a Gavel workshop on Hello Divorce, her mind was made. Jesica was super impressed by Gavel's functionality, flexibility, and clean user interface. There’s often a trade-off between usability and advanced functionality, but not with Gavel. Jessica loved having a user-friendly, flexible tool that could be implemented across multiple practice areas, in several different use cases.  

Bringing Gavel Into the Fold 

Jessica incorporated Gavel at her firm alongside a suite of tools to create a seamless client service process from engagement letter to final deliverables. Her first use case involved automating her estate practice.

In order to onboard and implement new technology, it’s important to understand why you’re bringing on the tool, what problems it’ll solve, and how it aligns with the firm’s goals and priorities. Jessica brought on an outside legal tech strategist, to assist with high-level guidance and strategy. The strategic guidance was helpful in setting firm priorities, developing implementation strategies, and answering any technical questions. To carry out the actual implementation and build the required workflows and automations, Jessica tapped in her tech savvy law clerk. He also called on the Gavel customer service team as needed to answer any questions and provide further support.  

While Jessica was able to leverage her team and outside assistance to build this workstream, attorneys looking to implement Gavel don’t need advanced technical knowledge or specific expertise to build their own Gavel workflows. Gavel offers robust customer service, a learning center to create your own workflows, and even experts you can hire by the hour to build your use cases. 

How Gavel Has Changed the Face of Law Practice at Streeter Law Firm

Gavel has been a game changer for Streeter Law Firm. In terms of time saved, the firm can now complete an entire estate plan, from engagement letter to final documents, in about 30 minutes – a dramatic improvement in turnaround time. Jessica eagerly shared her excitement during one of the first times they prepared the full set of documents:

“I was so thrilled… I was running around telling everyone about how magical it is!” 

By eliminating manual copy-pasting and multiple touch points, Gavel significantly reduced the potential for errors in document preparation. Gavel has helped automate many previously manual administrative tasks, such as complex and time-consuming calculations for certain engagement letters, reducing administrative burden. The time savings allow the firm to take on additional clients, and attorneys can spend their time on ensuring client satisfaction, as well as on higher level, substantive legal work. Tasks that previously were done by firm staff and that took a much longer time and multiple levels of review now could be done with the click of a few buttons by Jessica herself!

The introduction of Gavel has also improved the client and attorney experience. The ability to customize documents allowed Jessica to create simpler, more digestible estate plans for clients who found previous templates overwhelming. Despite varying levels of technological proficiency among team members, Gavel's user-friendly interface allows everyone in the firm to use it effectively.

What’s Next For Streeter Law Firm

Encouraged by the success in estate planning, Jessica is hoping to incorporate Gavel into additional practice areas and introduce client-facing opportunities for clients to assist in creating their own documents. She’s also excited to use Gavel to make legal services more accessible for her community. 

For Jessica Streeter, implementing Gavel has been transformative. It not only streamlined her firm's operations and improved document quality but also opened up new possibilities for serving her community. As she puts it,

"We've only just started to roll it out, and it's already changing the way that we practice."

Streeter's experience demonstrates how the right legal technology solution can enhance both the efficiency of law practice and the quality of client service.

Start your 7-day free trial of Gavel Pro today. Prefer to speak to someone? Schedule your personalized demo here.

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