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How does financial infidelity, or the concealment or deceit about finances in a marriage, factor into divorce. We examine the legal ramifications of such betrayals, including the erosion of trust and the potential for financial ruin, which often compel couples to consider dissolution of their marriage as the only recourse.
Read MoreArkansas recognizes no-fault divorces in certain circumstances. Read about the basics and access easy and free resources for getting a divorce in Arkansas.
Should you include evidence of abuse in your divorce, and is it an acceptable reason or ground for divorce? This guide explains the legal requirements and what you should know from state to state.
This article will answer questions that both inmates and spouses/partners of inmates have about divorcing someone who is in prison. We guide you through the divorce process with someone who is incarcerated.
What are the grounds for divorce in California? We explain the legal requirements and everything you need to know before you launch into this emotional process.
What does adultery mean for your divorce, and how does it impact the proceedings? What should you do if you've been cheated on. We explain the top legal issues you should be aware of about cheating in a divorce.
Does a sexless marriage provide grounds for divorce? Can it be considered alienation of affection or constructive abandonment? We explain the legal implications for your divorce.