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FL-350 Guidance: Stipulated Agreement (California)

Use this form when both parents have agreed to establish or modify a child support order, ensuring the agreement is documented and approved by the court. Jump to guide on filling it out.

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Tips for filling out form FL-350

When completing form FL-350, pay special attention to these less obvious sections:

Item 10b

Non-Guideline Reasons

Provide clear and specific justifications for deviating from the guideline child support amount. Examples could include shared parenting arrangements that significantly differ from standard calculations or agreements on covering specific expenses that the guideline does not account for. Thorough reasoning helps in case the court questions the deviation.
Item 10b

Non-Guideline Reasons

Provide clear and specific justifications for deviating from the guideline child support amount. Examples could include shared parenting arrangements that significantly differ from standard calculations or agreements on covering specific expenses that the guideline does not account for. Thorough reasoning helps in case the court questions the deviation.
Item 11

Address Changes

Promptly exchanging new mailing addresses and employment information helps ensure there are no disruptions or missed communications regarding child support. Consider formalizing this agreement through written notices to create a record that both parties understand these obligations.
Item 11

Address Changes

Promptly exchanging new mailing addresses and employment information helps ensure there are no disruptions or missed communications regarding child support. Consider formalizing this agreement through written notices to create a record that both parties understand these obligations.
Item 14

Private Collector Fees

If using a private child support collector, clearly understand the fee structure and verify that it complies with regulations, i.e., not exceeding 33 1/3% of arrears or 50% of the collector's fee. Documenting these details ensures transparency and prevents unexpected financial burdens.
Item 14

Private Collector Fees

If using a private child support collector, clearly understand the fee structure and verify that it complies with regulations, i.e., not exceeding 33 1/3% of arrears or 50% of the collector's fee. Documenting these details ensures transparency and prevents unexpected financial burdens.
Item 2b

Additional Support Costs

When assigning percentage or dollar amounts for additional child support costs, such as uninsured healthcare or educational expenses, consider drafting a detailed plan on how adjustments will be handled if actual costs fluctuate. This prevents disputes and helps maintain a clear understanding between both parties.
Item 2b

Additional Support Costs

When assigning percentage or dollar amounts for additional child support costs, such as uninsured healthcare or educational expenses, consider drafting a detailed plan on how adjustments will be handled if actual costs fluctuate. This prevents disputes and helps maintain a clear understanding between both parties.
Item 8

Guideline Support

Even if you are agreeing on a different child support amount than the guideline suggests, it's crucial to calculate and document the guideline child support in this section. This is important in case you need to justify your agreement to the court, as not adhering to the guideline may require a demonstration of the agreement's fairness.
Item 8

Guideline Support

Even if you are agreeing on a different child support amount than the guideline suggests, it's crucial to calculate and document the guideline child support in this section. This is important in case you need to justify your agreement to the court, as not adhering to the guideline may require a demonstration of the agreement's fairness.

What to do after filing form FL-350

Keep a copy of the filed FL-350 form for your records and make sure both parties have a copy.
Wait for the court to review and approve the stipulation. This can take several weeks, so check the status periodically with the court clerk if you haven't heard back.
If the local child support agency is involved, wait for their approval, as they must sign the agreement before it is finalized. Follow up with them if necessary.
Once the court approves, the court may issue an order that includes instructions on how child support payments will be processed, such as through an earnings assignment order via the State Disbursement Unit.
Follow any additional instructions or next steps provided by the court following the acceptance and approval of your stipulated agreement.
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