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DE-121(MA) Guidance: Attachment to DE-121 (California)

The DE-121(MA) form is used in California probate proceedings as an attachment to the Notice of Petition to Administer Estate (DE-121) to provide proof of service by mail, listing the names and addresses of individuals who were notified about the administration of the deceased's estate. Jump to guide on filling it out.

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The information provided on this website/page is for general informational purposes only. It should not be construed as legal advice, nor does it create an attorney-client relationship between the author and any readers or users of this content.

Reviewed By

Jenna Zebrowski, JD, MBA
Jenna Zebrowski is a JD/MBA graduate from Texas Tech University School of Law. After working in Mexico City for 3 years, she returned to the US and spent over a decade working in-house for large and small companies, including franchises, in a real estate leasing capacity, as well as in the mortgage and title industries. In private practice since 2019, Jenna is passionate about advocacy and protection for her clients’ rights, working collaboratively towards problem prevention, and solution, when necessary.

Tips for filling out form DE-121(MA)

When completing form DE-121(MA), pay special attention to these less obvious sections:


Complete Address

Double-check that each address includes the street, city, state, and zip code in full. If any part of an address is missing or incorrect, it could invalidate the service for that particular person. Consider validating addresses with reliable sources before mailing.
Name of Person Served

Identify Accurately

Ensure that the name you list for each person served matches exactly with any legal documents or informal names they may use. Inaccurate naming can lead to delays if any challenge arises concerning adequate notice.

List Sequentially

When listing the numbers for each person to whom notice was mailed, ensure they are sequential. This means starting from 1 and continuing in order without skipping numbers. This sequencing is important for clear reference if there are any inquiries or disputes about the notifications.

What to do after filing form DE-121(MA)

File the completed DE-121(MA) form and the accompanying DE-121 form with the probate court where the estate case is being administered.
Wait for confirmation of the filing from the probate court. Keep an eye out for any Notices of Hearing or additional instructions from the court related to the petition to administer estate.
Serve the Notice of Hearing (if one has been scheduled) along with a copy of the filed DE-121(MA) and DE-121 forms to interested parties as required by California probate law.
Check the court docket or contact the probate court clerk to verify the scheduled date and time for the hearing on the Petition to Administer Estate.
Prepare for the hearing by gathering any additional documentation that may support the administration of the estate and ensure all service of notice requirements have been met before the hearing date.
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