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FOC 23 Guidance: Verified Statement (Michigan)

The FOC 23 Verified Statement form is used in Michigan child custody cases to provide detailed personal and financial information about the parents, as well as relevant details about the minor children involved, ensuring the court has all necessary information for custody and support decisions. Jump to guide on filling it out.

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Tips for filling out form FOC 23

When completing form FOC 23, pay special attention to these less obvious sections:

Item 22

Citizenship Countries

List any other countries of citizenship to ensure the court has complete jurisdictional information, which might affect international cases.
Item 29

Parent's Address

Provide the other parent's different residence and mailing addresses. This differentiation ensures accurate service of notices and documents.
Item 44

Public Assistance Clarification

If you are unsure whether the other parent received public assistance, it's important to check with relevant agencies to provide accurate information.
Item 46

Foreign Identifiers

Include any foreign identifiers like passport numbers which can help in recognizing legal obligations or documentation required across borders.
Item 47

Child Information Accuracy

Ensure all names, birthdates, and social security numbers are double-checked for accuracy to avoid complications in case processing.
Item 49

Insurance Coverage Verification

Double-check the details of the health care coverage for each child. Accurate policy information ensures correct medical support orders.
Item 50

Custody Details

If there are third parties other than the parents who may have custody during the case, provide their names and addresses to keep legal custody details clear.
Item 6

Address Details

Make sure to provide both the mailing and residence addresses if they differ. This helps avoid any miscommunication or lost correspondence.

What to do after filing form FOC 23

Review confirmation from the Friend of the Court to ensure your form was successfully filed and all required details were provided.
If any information changes, such as your address or public assistance status, promptly notify the Friend of the Court in writing.
If you require child support services, complete and submit Form DHS-1201D, available online or at your local Friend of the Court office.
Await communication from the Friend of the Court regarding the scheduling of any required hearings or appointments related to your case.
Ensure you have a copy of the filed form and any related correspondence for your records, and monitor any updates from the court regarding your case status.
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