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PR-1807 Guidance: Consent to Serve (Wisconsin)

The PR-1807 Consent to Serve form is used when an individual agrees to serve as a personal representative or special administrator for an estate in Wisconsin, consenting to the duties and jurisdiction of the court during the probate process. Jump to guide on filling it out.

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Tips for filling out form PR-1807

When completing form PR-1807, pay special attention to these less obvious sections:

Item 1

Role Clarification

Understand that by consenting to serve, you're agreeing to take on the legal responsibilities of managing the estate, including acting in the best interests of the beneficiaries and the estate. Ensure you are prepared for the time and legal obligations involved.
Item 3

Nonresident Requirement

If you are not a resident of Wisconsin, you must appoint a resident agent to accept service of process. This person will act as an intermediary to receive legal documents on your behalf. Ensure the resident agent is someone you trust and is reliable.
Resident Agent

Choosing a Resident Agent

Select someone who is organized and responsible, as they will be handling important legal papers related to the estate. Confirm their willingness to perform this role before listing them on the form.

What to do after filing form PR-1807

Ensure that the court has received and accepted your Consent to Serve form by checking with the clerk of the probate court or accessing Wisconsin's online court records system, if available.
If you are appointed as a personal representative, gather all necessary documentation and information related to the estate, including financial records, assets, and any testamentary documents.
Prepare to file any required bond as stated in the form, if applicable, to fulfill obligations related to your role as personal representative or special administrator.
If you are a nonresident and have appointed a resident agent, ensure the agent is prepared to accept service of process on your behalf and communicate any relevant updates with them.
Once your role is officially recognized by the court, begin the process of administering the estate, which may include distributing assets, paying debts, and filing necessary tax returns, while keeping the court and interested parties informed as required.
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