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PR-1808 Guidance: Statement of Informal Administration (Wisconsin)

The PR-1808 Statement of Informal Administration form is used when an individual seeks to settle a decedent's estate through an informal probate process in Wisconsin, where there is agreement among interested parties and no complications warranting formal administration. Jump to guide on filling it out.

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Tips for filling out form PR-1808

When completing form PR-1808, pay special attention to these less obvious sections:

Item 2

Admitting the Will

Upon admitting the will, ensure that it is the latest version and accurately reflects the decedent's wishes. Highlight any codicils or amendments and verify that they are valid and admitted if applicable.
Item 4

Bond Requirements

Determine if a surety bond is required for the personal representative or trustee. Consider the estate's value and any potential creditor claims when deciding if a bond is necessary. If no bond is required, confirm this with the appropriate authorities.
Item 5B

Will Copy from Another Jurisdiction

If the will was probated elsewhere, provide an authenticated copy to accompany the application. Ensure this document complies with Wisconsin statutes to be considered valid for informal administration.
Item 7

Pending Administration Clarification

Clarify whether any administration is pending in any jurisdiction. If there is pending administration, verify no formal administration demands have been made, and provide any necessary proof of probate with the application, if applicable.

What to do after filing form PR-1808

Confirm receipt of domiciliary letters issued by the probate court as evidence of your appointment as personal representative.
If required, secure a surety bond in the amount specified by the court and submit proof of bond to the probate office.
Notify all interested parties of your appointment as personal representative and provide them with a copy of the will, if applicable.
Inventory all estate assets and file an Inventory form (PR-1815) with the probate court within 4 months of your appointment.
Manage and administer the estate according to the will and Wisconsin statutes, keeping detailed records of all transactions.
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