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FL-145 Guidance: Form Interrogatories (California)

The FL-145 Form Interrogatories—Family Law is used during divorce proceedings in California to facilitate the exchange of relevant information regarding assets, debts, and other financial matters between spouses or domestic partners. Jump to guide on filling it out.

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The information provided on this website/page is for general informational purposes only. It should not be construed as legal advice, nor does it create an attorney-client relationship between the author and any readers or users of this content.

Reviewed By

Carmee Murphy
Carmee Murphy graduated from Carnegie Mellon University in 2002 and the University of Pittsburgh School of Law in 2005. Ms. Murphy has 20 years of experience in civil litigation. From 2014 to 2017, Ms. Murphy was selected to the New York Super Lawyers® Rising Stars list, and in 2019, selected to the Pennsylvania Super Lawyers® Rising Stars list. Since 2017, Ms. Murphy has advised and assisted solo practitioners and law firms in civil proceedings in a variety of state and federal jurisdictions.

Tips for filling out form FL-145

When completing form FL-145, pay special attention to these less obvious sections:

Item 12

Property Valuation Offers

If you have received written offers or appraisals for any assets, include copies and describe them thoroughly. This can affect the division of property and needs to be fully documented.
Item 15

Reimbursement Claims

If you are claiming reimbursement for expenses, clearly document all supporting details, including dates and amounts. Accurate records are essential in proving your claims.
Item 17

Insurance Policies

Provide detailed information about all insurance policies covering you, your children, or your assets. This includes policy numbers and contact details for agents, as this impacts both asset evaluation and support rulings.
Item 2

Agreement Details

When detailing agreements with your spouse or domestic partner, be specific about the date and nature (written or oral) of each agreement. Remember to attach copies if they are written. This helps ensure clarity and prevents misunderstandings during the proceedings.
Item 4


For those living at your current address, include not only family members but also non-relatives, such as roommates or any individuals for whom you share a residence. This could impact calculations related to support and expenses.
Item 7

Income Documentation

When listing your income, provide detailed documentation such as your last three pay stubs and any other proof of income. Ensuring thoroughness in this section is crucial as it affects support calculations.
Item 8

Other Income Sources

Detail any additional sources of income not previously mentioned, such as side jobs or bonuses. Clearly state the source, date received, and value, as accuracy is important to avoid discrepancies in financial assessments.
Item 9

Tax Returns

Attach all relevant tax returns for the past three years. Include every jurisdiction if you have filed in multiple places. This ensures a complete financial picture.

What to do after filing form FL-145

Ensure a filed copy of Form Interrogatories—Family Law (FL-145) has been served to the other party involved in the divorce case, adhering to the rules for service of process in your jurisdiction.
Wait for the answering party to respond within the 30-day period as stipulated under California Code of Civil Procedure section 2030.260.
Review the responses received from the answering party for completeness and accuracy, ensuring all interrogatories you selected are answered fully.
If the responses are incomplete or unsatisfactory, consider filing a motion to compel further responses in court, after consulting an attorney if necessary.
Continue with the discovery process by preparing any necessary subsequent forms or scheduling further necessary actions such as depositions, contingent on the responses received.
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