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FL-335 Guidance: Proof of Service by Mail (California)

Use the FL-335 Proof of Service by Mail form when you need to confirm that you have served court documents to another party by mail in a legal proceeding in California, ensuring compliance with procedural rules. Jump to guide on filling it out.

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The information provided on this website/page is for general informational purposes only. It should not be construed as legal advice, nor does it create an attorney-client relationship between the author and any readers or users of this content.

Reviewed By

Carmee Murphy
Carmee Murphy graduated from Carnegie Mellon University in 2002 and the University of Pittsburgh School of Law in 2005. Ms. Murphy has 20 years of experience in civil litigation. From 2014 to 2017, Ms. Murphy was selected to the New York Super Lawyers® Rising Stars list, and in 2019, selected to the Pennsylvania Super Lawyers® Rising Stars list. Since 2017, Ms. Murphy has advised and assisted solo practitioners and law firms in civil proceedings in a variety of state and federal jurisdictions.

Tips for filling out form FL-335

When completing form FL-335, pay special attention to these less obvious sections:

Item 1


Ensure that the person serving the documents is not a party to the action and is over 18 years old. This is crucial because only individuals who meet these criteria can legally complete the proof of service by mail.
Item 1


Ensure that the person serving the documents is not a party to the action and is over 18 years old. This is crucial because only individuals who meet these criteria can legally complete the proof of service by mail.
Item 2

Accurate Address

Provide a precise business or residential address here to establish the location from which the documents were mailed. This helps verify adherence to jurisdictional requirements.
Item 2

Accurate Address

Provide a precise business or residential address here to establish the location from which the documents were mailed. This helps verify adherence to jurisdictional requirements.
Item 3

Specificity of Documents

Clearly specify the documents being served. Be as detailed as possible to avoid misunderstandings or claims of inadequate service.
Item 3

Specificity of Documents

Clearly specify the documents being served. Be as detailed as possible to avoid misunderstandings or claims of inadequate service.
Item 4c

Correct Date

Double-check the date the documents were mailed. The timelines for responding to documents may depend on this date, making accuracy essential.
Item 4c

Correct Date

Double-check the date the documents were mailed. The timelines for responding to documents may depend on this date, making accuracy essential.
Item 4d

Place of Mailing

Write the city and state of mailing accurately. This information is critical to establishing jurisdiction and demonstrating compliance with local mailing practices.
Item 4d

Place of Mailing

Write the city and state of mailing accurately. This information is critical to establishing jurisdiction and demonstrating compliance with local mailing practices.
Item 5

Declaration of Verification

When requesting modifications to custody or support, include an address verification declaration if necessary. Form FL-334 may be required to verify current addresses post-judgment.
Item 5

Declaration of Verification

When requesting modifications to custody or support, include an address verification declaration if necessary. Form FL-334 may be required to verify current addresses post-judgment.

What to do after filing form FL-335

Confirm the documents were received by checking with the court clerk's office. You can call or visit the court clerk to verify that your proof of service has been properly filed and entered into the court's records.
Notify the other parties involved in the case that the documents have been served by mail. This ensures that all parties are aware that the required documents have been sent and filed appropriately.
Wait for any necessary response or acknowledgment from the receiving party, especially if the documents served involve requests for modifications or other actions that require a reply.
Keep a copy of the FL-335 Proof of Service by Mail form for your records, along with any other related documents. It is important to have a personal record in case of future disputes or issues.
Prepare for the next legal step based on the type of documents served. Review your case's needs and consult with your attorney if necessary to determine whether additional forms or actions are required following service.
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