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700-00030 Guidance: Inventory (Vermont)

The 700-00030 Inventory form is used in Vermont Probate Court to itemize and appraise the real and personal estate of a decedent or trust, crucial for estate, trust, or guardianship proceedings. Jump to guide on filling it out.

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The information provided on this website/page is for general informational purposes only. It should not be construed as legal advice, nor does it create an attorney-client relationship between the author and any readers or users of this content.

Reviewed By

Jenna Zebrowski, JD, MBA
Jenna Zebrowski is a JD/MBA graduate from Texas Tech University School of Law. After working in Mexico City for 3 years, she returned to the US and spent over a decade working in-house for large and small companies, including franchises, in a real estate leasing capacity, as well as in the mortgage and title industries. In private practice since 2019, Jenna is passionate about advocacy and protection for her clients’ rights, working collaboratively towards problem prevention, and solution, when necessary.

Tips for filling out form 700-00030

When completing form 700-00030, pay special attention to these less obvious sections:

Item 1

Appraiser Documentation

If you've used an appraiser, remember to attach the appraiser’s name, address, and details about the items appraised. Failing to provide this information could lead to further inquiries or delays.
Item A

Real Property Details

When including real property, ensure you have both the deed or the most recent property tax bill. Double-check that the descriptions match the recorded information, especially book and page numbers and the town details. Any discrepancies could delay processing.
Item C

Account Identification

For bank accounts and other investment accounts, carefully note the specific requirements. Although only the last 4 digits of account numbers are needed, it's crucial these are correct to avoid any misidentification.
Item E

High-Value Items

If listing items or collections exceeding $5000 in value, provide a comprehensive description as well as any additional information that might be required by the court. Don't underestimate the level of detail needed, as this helps prevent questions later.
Item F

Liens Specification

If there are liens on any property, note the name of the lienholder and estimated amount owed within the property description. This helps in distinguishing the actual value available for the estate or interest.

What to do after filing form 700-00030

Ensure you have completed and filed the Certificate of Service with the court, indicating how you sent copies of the Inventory form to all interested persons.
Await confirmation or a response from the court regarding the acceptance of your Inventory form. This may include any feedback or request for additional information.
If any discrepancies or requests for further documentation are raised by the court, prepare and submit the necessary documents promptly.
Monitor communication from interested parties who may request clarifications or contest the Inventory details.
Check the probate case schedule for any upcoming hearings or deadlines that may require your attendance or further filings.
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